CALL OF CHERNOBYL - CHIMERA ( Bamah's Gun Mod Ver5 with Enhanced AI )BETA !PAGE DU MOD: DES RETOURS BUGS:"Gun Mod avec IA améliorée. Basé sur Call of Chernobyl 1.5r7 x64. Les PNJs engagent mieux le combat et vont attaquer le joueur à travers la map entière. La meilleure partie du Gun Mod est cette IA améliorée, c'est vraiment le but du mod, non les armes. Je les ai ajoutées juste pour rendre les tests plus intéressants. Chaque PNJ ou mutant peut spawner n'importe où." BamahLes perceptions des PNJs sont améliorées avec des tweaks et des attributs sons.
Ils réagissent correctement aux sons et aux attaques à longues distances grâce au moteur de jeu.
Ils n'ignorent plus les combats et se dirigent vers les sons ennemis.
Les zones de non-combat sont supprimées (bases, village cordon etc.)
Les ennemis se souviennent de vous pendant les longs combats et utilisent les smart covers pour vous cerner de différentes directions.
- addons et modifs:
Alife switch distance is increased to 750 to help the AI perceptions and increase combat range.
Spawns for soldiers, mercs, bandits, monolith and mutants have been increased to make the combat challenging.
More mutants are now radioactive.
Old variety of mutants and NPCs is returned from older builds.
Zombied have more resilience to gun fire. Head shots!
NPCs panic.
Items are multi use again.
Some outfits and helmets and small military backpack from 1.5r7 are not available yet in game.
Back packs now always work for stash and do not disappear.
Death manager works like it should again.
Reactivated some random death animations.
Old economy and balance is returned.
Added 4 Night Vision goggles. Good, Bad, elite and tactical yellow.
Headlamps are available from traders. Flashlight is no longer volumetric for now.
Headlamps can be bought and traded without CTD. Cannot donate a headlamp without a CTD
Dynamic huds plus a hoodie view with outfits that I think should not have masks.
Added Tourist Suit and Ghosts suit from ShoC
Added a hoodie exo skeleton with diminished protection but good carry ability and sprint capable.
Loadouts are better due to aggressive AI.
Nimble is a trader for good weapons and items. No more ordering.
Monolith species are now human. This is a test.
Gameplay desc files no longer use profiles. No more perma corpses, NPCs with story IDs will disappear like any NPC or Mutant debug still manually spawns entities on actor location @ 0,0,0 to avoid level graph error CTD. Will look at that later.
Mercs are enemy to loners.
Red Forest fast travel (level jump) is now correct. All jumps may be in different locations than 1.5r7 Balathruin.
Shaders no longer cause flickering or twinkling.
DX9 does not work on my machine with this engine. DX10 and DX11 are OK
Sound folders still have backups and tool used to alter attributes. Will clean eventually.
Sleep_dep.script from repo 07.04.18 does not need Melighos fix. It is 2016 version.
Fog plane distance reduced again. Now to 250, this is good if you like to extend grass draw distance to max. This makes it look better, like your actually there. Instead of like looking through a window.
Sunshafts are now almost always present. The intensity and lentgh and radius are increased. This is not as bad as it sounds. When you turn now you are looking into a glare. Kinda like fallout. This makes fire fights tougher. With the weather changes it is not as washed out as before.
Settings to get the most from glare.
r2_ss_sunshafts_length 1.5
r2_ss_sunshafts_radius 2.
r__sunshafts_intensity 1.0 Without this to 1.0 the ss are more glare and less beam like.
Added anomaly grenades (rgd5 variant).
Added an anomaly cannon. If it is not repaired after six shots it will explode. It fires m209 anomaly grenades.
Added some of the same weapons back as variants with different upgrades.
Monolith wounded now self-destruct (from dead Air)
NPCs reanimate as Zombied armed stalkers. Actually removes NPC and creates a Zombied in its place.
Can cause inventory ownership CTD...infrequently.
If too frequent, just comment out the release functions in sk_zombie_life.script (originally by skyloader).
This is a test! It is cool in game.
PDA off (Bamah modified for off during emissions and psy storms also) by S.T.A.L.K.E.R. Another Side
Outfit Marauder from Anomaly Mod? (developers Shoker, ziken, Dimeyne, SashaRed, RenanMsV)
Disguise Mod from Anomaly Mod
Immersive fast travel (KA Travel) by SpikensbroR
Loot Money from Anomaly Mod by tsesari
Dinamic Hud by BAK aka Rulix
Illusion Hoodie hud textures by Illusion Mod
OGSE weapon explode mod by OGSE from Demosfen Mod b4 1.0 version
DrX Dynamic Anomalies from Demosfen 1.0 Mod
DrX Dynamic Relations 1.1 by TronEX (DRx 2.0 coming)
Door tweaks by Asynchron
Most addons can be removed with just deleting its script in scripts folder. Travel no!
ka_travel_dialog must be removed from character_desc_XXX.xml etc.
CzekDeath weathers more ShoC far plane and fog distance. Delete environment folder if you want vanilla.
Scopes by BoyOK, Paranoid, Morka, Gnomes, Alexey Ivanovsky, Bamah
LIENS & INSTALLATION(nouveaux liens qui ne sont plus ceux de Chimera dont on a déjà parlé ici - réinstallez-tout)
Database: (Gun Mod v5/Chimera): actuel:Patch 4 (Oct 17 2019): les deux archives dans un dossier que vous nommez selon votre choix, l'ordre importe peu,
Supprimez ces deux fichiers sons du gamedata du mod sinon crash au démarrage :
- sounds/weapons/gauss/gauss_cry_shoot - оригинал
- sounds/weapons/mp5/mp5sd_suppressed - копия
start_game_dev_noprefetchTraduction fr à installer en dernier:
3___GUNMOD-CHIMERA Ver5 uniquement
pour utiliser le système de déguisement en fr, placez le disguise.script qui est dans le dossier _addons, dans gamedata\scripts
ATTENTION: changez la langue dans menu-options-jeu: localization:fra
Ne marche pas toujours du premier coup, passez au russe puis de nouveau au français.
Le premier lancement du jeu peut être chaotique avec le moteur de jeu PATIENCE
Autre fixs:Pack de textures additionnel: régler un problème textures-detail
Sound test fix: régler un problème lié aux sons - le jeu cherche constamment des tas de sons non-nécessaires
Supprimer/ajouter un addon:dans le dossier _ADDONS:
à ajouter dans gamedata\scripts si vous le voulezoutfit_marauder.script = loot des combis sur les cadavres-probabilité faible
disguise.script = déguisement avec les combinaisons, utilisez celui de la trad fr pour les messages en fr
_option of dead NPCs spawn zombied = pnj tué respawn en zombie
_addon\configs\scripts\doors etc = des portes seront déjà ouvertes ou ouvrables - pas testé lol
Pour supprimer un addon du jeu, supprimez le script correspondant comme suit:
Dynamic huds (masque dynamique);
Script(s) dinamic_hud.script
DrX Dynamic Anomalies (anomalies mouvantes);
Script(s) drx_da_main.script
Camera effect for aiming (effet caméra lors de la visée);
Script(s) idle_anm.script
Looting money from corpses (argent sur les cadavres)
Script(s) lootmoney.script
Weapon explodes when fired by actor @ around 30% condition (les armes explosent à 30% de condition);
Script(s) ogse_wpn_explode_fx.script
PDA looses connection during emissions, psy-storms and going underground (PDA débranché pendant les émissions et souterrains);
Script(s) pda_off.script
Need a Moonlight artifact to fast travel (besoin d'un artefact Clair de lune pour les voyages rapides)
Script(s) fast_travel.script
Perma corpses or quest NPCs now disappear like Wolf (les cadavres disparaissent, y compris PNJ important)
Script(s) release_body_manager.script
DrX Dynamic Faction Relations:
Script(s) drx_df.script and game_relations.script also configs\creatures\game_relations.ltx
Alife switch distance reset to vanilla CoC 250 meters (peut aider si le jeu rame)
Config file- configs\alife.ltx -delete it
Return safe zones or no combat zones like in rookie camp (retour des zones de non-combat comme le village des débutants);
Script(s) xr_combat_ignore.scriptAttention pour les modifs de suppression d'addons, certaines sont fausses depuis que Bamah a supprimé
les configs et scripts du DATABASE.
Les manips en cause sont rayées dans la liste plus-haut.